Mila reports 35% Increase in Smart Home Installations during “Lockdowns”

From March 2020 to March 2021 our portfolio company MILA pivoted to ramp up its remote support services as lockdowns and shutdowns of their retail partners dragged on. This resulted in a tenfold increase in remote tech support consultations for troubleshooting and installations!

As people complied with stay-at-home orders and work- and school-from-home became the norm, installations of new routers, printers, and wifi equipment for upgraded internet service grew as residential broadband was tested beyond normal performance capacity during lockdowns.

Chris Viatte, CEO and founder of MILA said :

“Our base of over 10,000 Mila service technicians assisted customers with tasks including computer issues, wifi extensions, and home security installations”

“Customers who experienced the convenience of remote support for the first time due to COVID concerns now realize it’s a quick and hassle-free way to resolve technical issues for their home or business”

MILA is an on-demand tech-service platform connecting consumers with crowd sourced Tech-experts for flexible on-site support. It is now offering services in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France, and the UK.

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