Tinamu among most promising 2021 Swiss startups in BILAN magazine

In their April 2021 edition, Swiss magazine BILAN spots our portfolio company TINAMU as a great place to invest money this year!

TINAMU provides real-time data acquisition and automates repetitive inspection tasks using scheduled automated drone flights, precisely flying indoor where no GPS signal is available.

Data is collected, processed and analyzed immediately. The procedure is less expensive, faster and less dangerous for humans in charge of these data collections in hazardous environments. Use-cases include inspection for conveyors belts, warehouses or infrastructure like dams.

TINAMU is a 2019 spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH Zurich), where CEO and co-founder Tobias Nägeli graduated.

Watch the Dam inspection flight video

Read Tinamu Labs’ article from BILAN magazine (French)